A Day of Awakening
A Morning of Meditation
Engineering Mindfulness Workshop
Demystifying Mindfulness and Experiencing It Real Time
A morning dedicated to fine-tuning the mind to its peak performance state.
Experience the power of Laughter, Breath, and Movement Meditation
A powerful blend of neurosciences, modern research, and the ancient wisdom
Get a positive inner recharge that will rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit
Experience in 60min what takes people an eternity: a blissful state of Mindfulness and your Peak Performance Zone
Program Outcome
Enhanced positive mental attitude
Stronger personal bonding
An elevated level of creativity and productivity
A Day of Innovation
A Day of Innovation
Engineering Innovation Workshop
Nurturing Innovation Mindset and Culture of Innovation
In the increasingly competitive world, an Innovation Mindset is essential to be successful in any field. The question is – Can creativity and innovation be nurtured or is it a nature’s gift just for a chosen few?
​​This workshop will enable participants to see challenges as growth opportunities and to find innovative solutions to complex problems.
​​Innovation Workshop Agenda
​Session 1: Understanding the Need for Innovation
Activity-based session to experience The Box in which we mentally live and limit our creativity
Session 2: Understanding Systematic Innovation Process
Activity-based session to learn the systematic innovation process​
Session 3: Learning Interactively By Example
Group activity-based session to solve an example to apply the learning
A Night of Inspiration
An Infotainment Extravaganza to inspire a life of significance
Engineering Mindfulness with Laughter
Experiencing Your Peak Performance Zone
A high energy interactive session to experience
In just 60min of interactive session experience what takes people an eternity - A joyful state of thoughtlessness (for at least 15minutes)
Experience being in your peak performance zone
Engineering Happiness Keynote
Transforming Into Significance
Learn the root cause of motive for all actions
Understand 8 factors critical for living a meaningful life
Learn to create a personalised happiness blueprint to become your best possible self
Two Inspirational Speakers
Standing on the shoulders of giants
Two local guest speakers with inspirational story of success and significance resulting in community impact
In future, those who got inspired by A Night of Inspiration and did something of significance would be invited as well
Fire Side Chat with Dr. Arun
In Conversation with an Inspiring Personality
A celebrity sharing his / her story of transforming into significance
Celebrity's principles and anecdotes to inspire a meaningful life
Cultural Showcase
Infotainment by Inspirational Performers
'A Night of Inspiration' will also provide a platform to local artists with inspirational stories
Their performances (one individual and one group performance) will spice up the night and enhance the learning experience​